首页 > 都市小说 > 小欢喜:黄金岁月 > 第251章 音乐剧场一

第251章 音乐剧场一(1 / 2)

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好书推荐: 魔法之工业革命  分手后,我被旅游签到系统治愈了  一人之下:老天师竟干出这种事  开局抢了李白的酒反手卖他二锅头  走阴鞋,盗墓人  天策六十万甲,拜见世子殿下!  赊刀人传  开局来到女神家,被迫转生小萝莉  盗墓:穿越NPC他不知道剧情  梦幻西游开局SSS天赋观照万象 



歌词:Time passes in corners

Forget all sorrows and disappear

God is calling her name

Leave her dreams, gone

The wandering singer appears in her dream

She thought about his suffering, why not

From the disappearance, and where to go

The world of regrets, a few more people

Walk towards the dream and wake up from the dream

Disappearing space, disappearing time

The letter left at random became the only thought

Disappeared yesterday, will you see you again

Forgot about the dispute, forgot that him

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书单推荐: 穿越末世,丧尸们总担心我会饿死 八十岁奶奶为救我,单手提刀 种田医术在手,我在古代横着走 重生90:锦鲤小妞要翻身 火力至上 这破寡,老娘不守了! 毒舌少夫人,打麻将气得婆婆想哭 医品宗师 重生1986,厂花嫌我窝囊 腹黑总裁虐爱成瘾