首页 > 恐怖小说 > 转生到名柯:太无敌了怎么办 > 一个特别篇

一个特别篇(1 / 2)

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好书推荐: 长生不死:我的古代生活  苟在都市修个仙  穿越医妃,宸王将我宠上天  西域情怀  霍格沃茨的中式教育  无事小神仙  穿越之军神  修真界的科学家  守卫家园2青龙传说  MC,我真不是PVP玩家! 



In a dark、small room, 4 people are talking about something.

007:\Did you hear about something about 049?\

001:\What?Who is he?\

035:\I have heard of him,he is 21 years-old now,our organization\u0027s new member.He may be here soon.\

After a while,a young person e in.

This young person has blood-red eyes.Although he doesn’t look very energetic.

001:“Hi, boy, are you awake?”

007:“001,stop flirting with him.He’s at least the same as us.”

035:“What a surprise news.He looks so young.Maybe he is the youngest person in the ‘Xuezhiying’.”

017:“I have heard his story.When he was 19 year-old.He killed a man named Qinghui.”

001:“I remember it!The Qinghui was my previous assassination mission.I just said how he suddenly died.”

007:“HaHa,I told you not to underestimate him.”

035:“After all,he is also known as ‘Xuezhiying’.There is still some strength.”



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书单推荐: 神秘复苏降临在斗罗大陆 末世:从曹贼开始 孤桀诗集 来到原神的轻松日常 斗破之无上妖兽帝国 成神游戏降临后 从魔神战争归来的鸣人 假如主神是家公司 四十有道坎 宝可梦攻略养成