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好书推荐: 明星凶猛  末世:我在血界杀疯了  上吧,小白的御宠!  从假太监进宫开局  末世:从种菜开始肝经验  赛博:九龙城  御兽:登录百万年前  斗罗:震惊!武魂竟是齐天大圣!  腹黑王爷的俏毒妃  生崽后,她闪婚了个病娇大佬 

27. Friedman, N., Ito, S., Brinkman, B. A., Shimono, M., DeVille, R. L., Dahmen, K. A.,...& Butler, T. C.(2012). Universal critical dynamics in high resolution neuronal avalanche data. Physical review letters, 108(20), .

28. Hobbs, J. P., Smith, J. L.,& Beggs, J. M.(2010). Aberrant neuronal avalanches in cortical tissue removed from juvenile epilepsy patients. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 27(6), 380-386.

29. Strogatz, S. H.(2018). Nonlinear dynamics and chaos with student solutions manual: With applications to physics, biology, chemistry, and engineering. CRC press.

30. Sornette, A.,& Sornette, D.(1989). Self-organized criticality and earthquakes. Europhysics Letters, 9(3), 197.

31. Romanczuk, P.,& Daniels, B. C.(2023). Phase Transitions and Criticality in the Collective Behavior of Animals—Self-Organization and Biological Function. In Order, Disorder and Criticality: Advanced Problems of Phase Transition Theory (pp. 179-208).

32. Steyer, A.,& Zimmermann, J. B.(2001). Self organised criticality in economic and social networks: The case of innovation diffusion. In Economics with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents (pp. 27-41). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

33. Mardling, R. A.(2008). Resonance, chaos and stability: The three-body problem in astrophysics. The Cambridge N-Body Lectures, 59-96.

34. Zeng, X., Pielke, R. A.,& Eykholt, R.(1993). Chaos theory and its applications to the atmosphere. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 74(4), 631-644.

35. Manneville, P.(2010). Instabilities, chaos and turbulence (Vol. 1). World Scientific.

36. Uhlenbeck, G. E.,& Ornstein, L. S.(1930). On the theory of the Brownian motion. Physical review, 36(5), 823.

37. Fujisaka, H.,& Grossmann, S.(1982). Chaos-induced diffusion in nonlinear discrete dynamics. Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter, 48, 261-275.

38.杜石然.(2012).中国科学技术史稿. BEIJING BOOK CO. INC..

39. Jahn, R. G.(1964). Electric propulsion. American Scientist, 52(2), 207-217.

40. Lev, D., Myers, R. M., Lemmer, K. M., Kolbeck, J., Koizumi, H.,& Polzin, K.(2019). The technological and mercial expansion of electric propulsion. Acta Astronautica, 159, 213-227.

41. Qiu, Z. Q.,& Bader, S. D.(2000). Surface magneto-optic Kerr effect. Review of Scientific Instruments, 71(3), 1243-1255.

42. Kelly, P. J.,& Arnell, R. D.(2000). Magnetron sputtering: a review of recent developments and applications. Vacuum, 56(3), 159-172.

43. Tsoi, M., Fontana, R. E.,& Parkin, S. S. P.(2003). Magnetic domain wall motion triggered by an electric current. Applied physics letters, 83(13), 2617-2619.

44. Mandelbrot, B. B.,& Mandelbrot, B. B.(1982). The fractal geometry of nature (Vol. 1). New York: WH freeman.

45. Niven, J. E.(2016). Neuronal energy consumption: biophysics, efficiency and evolution. Current opinion in neurobiology, 41, 129-135.

46. Murphy, R.,& Woods, D. D.(2009). Beyond Asimov: The three laws of responsible robotics. IEEE intelligent systems, 24(4), 14-20.

47. Milgram, S.(1967). The small world problem. Psychology today, 2(1), 60-67.

48. Watts, D. J.,& Strogatz, S. H.(1998). Collective dynamics of‘small-world’networks. nature, 393(6684), 440-442.

49. Newman, M. E.(2000). Models of the small world. Journal of Statistical Physics, 101, 819-841.

50. Place, U. T.(1956). Is consciousness a brain process?. British journal of psychology, 47(1), 44-50.

51. Dehaene, S.(2014). Consciousness and the brain: Deciphering how the brain codes our thoughts. Penguin.

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书单推荐: 苏青羽的单亲日记 红色警戒之至暗时刻 崩坏成为假面骑士名为亚克 末世:回到灵气复苏前 我家店员来自明朝末年 半岛:如果梦中遇见你 从一人开始叠最厚的甲 土匪,土匪 冰封末世:觉醒SSS天赋,从妖灵契约开始 这个漫威世界是不是有点怪