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写出的文字是对内心声音的记录(2 / 2)

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好书推荐: 灵府修仙  穿越到三国一统江山  桃源医仙,我妙手回春  一夜成婚:豪门继承人低哄宝贝  黄皮肤与大世界  巫师:我的辅助修炼系统是道种  天降崽崽三岁半  斗罗大陆之我的武魂是海月  这个高手他正经么  又见晨星 

Of Truth《论真理》

Of Studies《论读书》


When you write as if someone is gonna read it, suddenly you cant really write anymore. But if youre writing as if no ones gonna read it except for you, then the pen just flows. When you are writing, youre essentially transcribing that voice inside your head… they all slip away if I dont capture them immediately. My mind is going 100 miles an hour, but I hate that my hand cant match my thoughts. So it forces me to slow down. And as Im taking the time to really figure out “Whats bothering me?“, I can feel my whole body starts to calm down.



Real literature is about losers. Its very boring to talk about winners. Madame Bovary is a loser. Julien Sorel is a loser. Losers are more fascinating. Winners are stupid… because usually they win by chance.



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书单推荐: 奥特:喜报!我和迪迦HE了 这个超级英雄不对劲 转角就是樱坂 魂穿路飞:红色的海贼世界 末世之坠星 叶罗丽:七情六欲的主宰 一人之下:我!开局复制八奇技! 血月降临,无敌的我带来了宝可梦 原神之少年歌行 我在火影舔包的日子