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“长生不老”正在成为一门新生意(1 / 2)

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第174章 “长生不老”正在成为一门新生意

The Longevity Clinic Will See You Now—for $100,000


By Alex Janin

Medical clinics are popping up across the country promising to help clients live longer and better—so long as they can pay.


Longevity clinics aim to do everything from preventing chronic disease to healing tennis elbow, all with the goal of optimizing patients health for more years. Clients pay as much as $100,000 a year for sometimes-unproven treatments, including biological-age testing, early cancer screenings, stem-cell therapies and hair rejuvenation.


The centers capitalize on Americans obsession with living longer and desire for personalized medical care, even if it es from outside the mainstream, say industry investors and analysts.


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